Muchos son los que se preguntan si el ibuprofeno es bueno para quitarse la resaca. Pues a más de uno le sorprenderá que el descubridor de esta conocida droga, Stewart Adams, utilizó precisamente ibuprofeno para librarse de una de sus resacas. En sus propias palabras:
"I'd been out celebrating with colleagues at a European conference in 1971 and I was due to speak first the next morning. And, well, I had a hangover, so I took 600mg of ibuprofen. That was testing the drug in anger, if you like. But I hoped it really could work magic."
"It's funny now, but over the years so many people have told me that ibuprofen really works for them – and did I know it was so good for hangovers? Of course I had to admit I did." (más aquí).
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