martes, 18 de junio de 2013

Diversión animal

Aye aye


Dik Dik









Tití pigmeo

Pico zapato

Tarsero espectro

Gamba mantis (selfie)




Cangrejo fantasma

jueves, 13 de junio de 2013

Periodic table of sports

Almost all are in. Try to guess who is who. I have had several problems to put those that begin with J. Suggestions are welcome! There are some extra positions for those that can't be classified!

He conseguido encajar a casi todos. A ver si descubrís quiénes son. Algunos indispensables los he metido en huecos que no existen. Son elementos inclasificables.
Se apreciarán sugerencias para mejorar la tabla

domingo, 9 de junio de 2013

Lápices, gomas, rotuladores, bolis, etc


1. Lápices




2. Gomas Milan





3. Rotuladores fluorescentes



4. Lápices de colores





5. Pegamentos



6. Otras gomas



7. Pilots (Ball y Hi-Tecpoint)



8. Bolígrafos



9. Rotuladores


10 cuadros de pintoras

10 cuadros de pintoras

1. Georgia O'Keefe. Pelvis with the distance. 1943.


"The bones do not symbolize death to me, they are shapes that I enjoy".

2. Berthe Morisot. Le berceau. 1872.



3. Artemisia Gentileschi. Danae. h. 1612



4. Anna Boch. Falaise - Côte de Bretagne. h. 1900



5. Lee Krasner. Vernal Yellow. 1980

6. Bridget Riley. Nataraja. 1993

"I work with nature, although in completely new terms."

7. Tamara de Lempicka. Jeune fille en vert. h. 1930

8. Joan Mitchell. La grande vallée. 1983

9. Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun. The bather. 1792

10. Grandma Moses. Thunderstorm. 1948

"I paint from the top down. From the sky, then the mountains, then the hills, then the houses, then the cattle, and then the people."